Vision Statement
A nurturing family, learning together.
School Values
Be Proud
Be Yourself
Be Together
Be Friendly
Be Strong
Be Bentham!
Be Proud
Put your heart and soul into everything, never giving up and then be proud of what you achieve.
Be Yourself
You’ve got to believe to achieve. Have the self-belief and confidence to succeed and reach your personal best.
Be Together
Treat everyone equally and support each other. Work together to have fun and achieve. Celebrate each other’s success and be a positive part of the school family.
Be Friendly
Show respect for others, yourself and the school. Treat others politely and with understanding, have the courage to be honest and know what is right.
Be Strong
Keep going no matter what. Be determined to push yourself and achieve your dreams, always giving 100%.
Be Bentham!
What this means:
At Bentham CP School we take our vision and values seriously. In creating our vision we have worked alongside staff, governors, parents, children and the community to create a statement that we think reflects our aims for the school. We return to this vision regularly to see if it still reflects our ultimate aims, or to see if our key priorities have changed.
We feel that our vision statement reflects the high ambition for the children at Bentham CP School, and represents the nurturing environment we offer where everyone works together towards achieving these goals.
Our school uses the school values to support our children to become independent learners who show high levels of resilience in the face of challenge.
Bentham Community Primary School is a proud community of children, staff, parents, governors and friends who all share a commitment to these values, as we learn together.
At Bentham CP School we aim to create a nurturing environment where every single child is able to flourish and become a successful learner. We believe that every child and every family matters. Our aim as a school is to provide an inclusive, nurturing and challenging environment that will enrich our children’s learning, not only for their continuing education, but also providing a foundation of solid values which will support them throughout life.
We celebrate that every child has a unique contribution to make, and know that carefully woven together, this makes the whole school community become even stronger. That’s why we will encourage and recognise the aspirations and achievements of everyone.
We recognise the importance of our communities and the environment around us in supporting our children. We celebrate the history and traditions of our community life. We recognise the importance of families and the care we give to the children is extended further, to the whole family. We ensure children learn about the wider world, with its variety of cultures and faiths, confident that this will benefit and broaden our children’s understanding of the wider world.
The school aims to be central to the community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of these values.
Bentham Community Primary School embraces its vision and values which will be at the heart of everything we do, both in and outside school.