Bentham Community Primary School lies at the heart of the community and we take pride in our excellent links with the wider community of Bentham. We have good working relationships with the local secondary schools, the library, the leisure centres, the police and the local churches. We actively seek activities and opportunities for the children to participate in the local community, for example by taking part in the Remembrance Day service on School Hill, attending the Christmas Carol Service and undertaking projects with the Looking Well. We welcome involvement in our school from the wider Bentham community - please get in touch with us if you represent a community group and would like to work on an idea together.
We also have close links with colleagues in other primary schools and secondary schools. This enables the children to benefit from joint ventures in sport, music and the arts amongst other curriculum areas. Recent events have incuded the Big Sing, various sporting events and a Design Technology project. Links with our local secondary schools are particularly important to aid the transition from Year 6 to Year 7. These links with other schools also provide the staff with opportunities for professional development working with colleagues in similar schools developing skills and knowledge.