Badger Class


Badger class is taught by Mrs Naylor and Mrs Fox . Mrs Nelson will be supporting us in our Maths lessons. 


Maths – We will be looking at multiplication and division, and fractions. This is a good time to practise times tables at home!

English – Our writing will be inspired by the books The Barnabus Project and The Lion and the Unicorn.

Science – This half term we will be learning all about Light and then Animals, including humans.

History - We will be exploring events beyond living memory, looking at the First Plane Flight.

Art- We will be exploring European artists and architecture, taking inspiration from Picasso, Van Gogh and other great artists.

Geography- We will be continuing our ‘around the world’ theme as we focus on Australia. If you have any links to the country, please let us know!

Design and Technology- We will be learning about different structures and designing our own shell structure.

PE- Yoga, Mini Mui Thai and Kwik Cricket.

Computing – We will start to look at programming.


What to bring: Each day, book bags should be brought to school and in them your planner, reading book and water bottle. Please ensure to bring a coat every day.

Spellings: Spellings will be sent out every Monday. The children will have weekly spellings and different spelling rules to practise so the children can develop their spelling which will support their reading and writing.

Reading Books: Badger class will choose a book which they would like to read, and this will be their reading book for both home and school. It is important that this book comes into school every day. Please ensure children have noted in their homework diaries when they have read at home.

PE:  Badger class will be doing PE on Monday and Forest School on Thursday. Children will continue to come in their PE kit for the entire day on Tuesday. As a gentle reminder, this is as follows:

  • plain dark shorts (black or blue)
  • plain white t-shirt or polo Shirt
  • black pumps (indoor PE)
  • trainers (outdoor PE)
  • plain, warm jumper
  • plain, dark coloured jogging bottoms
  • earrings should ideally be removed for school on these days but, if this is not yet possible, please ensure they are covered with tape

Please always feel free to come and see us before or after school should you need to discuss anything. We are looking forward to working in partnership with you all,

Mrs Naylor and Mrs Fox

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