Bentham Rocks Week 2018 begins!

This week is Bentham Rocks week in school and a number of classes have already been busy painting pebbles for our garden. Everyone from our school community, including parents and friends of school, have been invited to contribute and the results so far are fantastic. Lots of parents have got involved and this afternoon Class 1, 5 and lots of parents had a lovely afternoon sat in the sunshine painting their designs. We have animal and minibeast designs, some lovely intricate patterns and lots of World cup inspired rocks too.They are going to make a fabulous addition to our garden.

Alongside our pebble painting this week we are also busy practising a performance for the Bentham Rocks house choir competition which will take place on Friday during Praise Assembly. Children will be spending time in their house groups each day this week, learning and practising a pop song, led by house captains. On Friday they will compete to be Bentham Rocks House Choir Champions. Props are coming out, you can hear practising in the playground at lunchtime, the competition is most definitely on! 

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