Science for all children
Early Years & KS1 Maths
Maths Fluency and Rapid Recall facts
Problem solving and Reasoning
KS2 Maths
Maths Fluency and Rapid Recall facts
Problem solving and Reasoning
Phonics Bloom Games for Phases 1 to 6
Department for Education Phonics Videos (Watch Phonics Lessons for Reception & KS1)
Oxford Owl (Access to free E-books)
The Guardians Children's Books
Love Reading 4 Kids (Lots of free book extracts to read)
Purple Mash (Ask your class teacher for your login details)
Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation
Spelling Frame (Activities for every spelling rule and phonics sound)
Wacky Webtales (Great for Learning Parts of Speech)
KS2 Spelling and Vocabulary Games
Crickweb Writing Games for KS1
Crickweb Writing Games for KS2
The Literacy Shed (Writing Activities Linked to Films)
Pobble 365 (Hundreds of photos to promote creative writing!)