Extra-curricular Opportunities
The school offers children a range of extra-curricular opportunities. These vary from year to year, depending on the skills and availablity of adults. It also depends on the time of year. Clubs include: Gardening, Recorders, Guitar, Zumba, Multi-skills, Netball, Computer and Craft Club. Last year we offered a Gymnastics, Choir and Drumming and Science club in addition to our usual clubs.
Residential Visits
Children from Year 2 upwards are all given the opportunity to go on a residential trip during the school year. Children from Year 2 and 3 usually go on a two day/one night experience. This has been to Nell Bank, Malham Field Studies Centre and Ingleborough Hall. In 2019 we went self catered and stayed at Halton Gill Bunkbarn. Our stay had an art theme and the children loved being cosy and warm inside whilst outside the wind howled and the rain came down. This residential happens every other year.
Children in Year 4 and 5 participate in a longer action packed residential visit to NYCC’s Centre at Bewerly Park or Carlton Lodge near Thirsk. This is a week of outdoor adventurous activities such as canoeing, ghyll scrambling, climbing, orienteering and zip wires. This is Mrs Pearson's favourite residential.
Year 6 children experience either a ‘Coastal Break’, a 'City Break' or a 'Lakes Break' and spend four days and three nights in Whitby where they are given the opportunity to explore the coastline, take part in body boarding, visit whitby Abbey and find out more about Dracula or in Keswick where they go on the lake, climb a Wainwright, visit the museum and go climbing. This residential happens every year.
All of our visits are linked to the curriculum and are an important experience in sharing, co-operating and self-reliance as well as being very enjoyable. However, as a school, we do acknowledge that some children may not wish to be away from home and whilst we do encourage all children to take part in residential visits, we also support the decision of those parents whom decide their child does not want to take part.